Archive for November, 2009

How to keep your breasts healthy with massage and herbal oils

Circulation: The vital link to breast health

Breasts are filled with fluid-rich lymphatic pathways. They have no inherent musculature and require circulation for optimal health. Many factors can affect the DNA of healthy cells compromising breast health. For example emotional stress, environmental pollutants, preservatives in our foods lowers our immunity. Fatty breast tissue are a waste receptacle for toxins in the body. If the lymph system stagnates due to stress, tight bras, poor posture or trauma the immune fighting T-cells will have difficulty taking out the accumulated debris from the breast tissue making it a perfect breeding ground for cancer cells. Massage enhances circulation and prevents the buildup of stagnant lymph fluid.

How Self-Massage and Herbal Oils can Enhance Breast Health?

Gently massaging the breasts increases oxygen and nutrients and helps keep the tissue clean of impurities.
Self-breast massage

is an important therapeutic modality for easing or preventing breast related conditions and may offer a measure against breast cancer.

Benefits include:
* Alleviates premenstrual discomfort associated with breasts
* May help reduce fibroids and cysts
* Ease lumpiness of fibrocystic breasts
* Balancing effect on the hormones
* Improves breast size and shape
* Increased oxygen and nutrients
* Eases lymphatic congestion
* Makes skin soft, supple and resilient
* May help reduce scars and stretchmarks
* Encourages familiarity with one’s breasts
* Promotes relaxation, relieving internal tensions
* Deeper appreciation and acceptance of one’s body
* Encourages lymphatic circulation for post-surgery healing

Herbal Oils are certified organic herbs infused in cold pressed organic olive oil. The healing actions of the herbs migrate into the oil creating a simple, effective product for maintaining breast health.

Benefits include:
*Strengthen and add resiliency to the breast tissue
*Aids in enhancing lymphatic circulation
*Relieve internal tension
*Offers anti-inflammatory properties
*May help in dissolving troublesome lumps and cysts
*Gives skin a soft, supple, radiant glow.

Remember when doing your self-breast massage you want to use an oil that contains nourishing organic herbs that have a special affinity for the breasts to enhance the fluidity and feel of the breast tissue.

Breast Caress

offers a perfect blend of organic herbs, oils, and aromatherapy, inspires self-awareness of one’s breasts and body and offers an opportunity for women to love and nurture themselves. The more care and gratitude we give to ourselves, the greater the correlation to our good health.

In love and light

Article written by Jennifer Telford/owner of Hoano

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